Month: August 2019

Designing a More Equitable Economy

Each year, World Company Day – August 15 – marks the anniversary of the birth of the global movement calling companies to serve a higher purpose and commit to shaping a better world together.  For this year’s World Company Day,

Featured Signatory: Sunshine Holdings from Vietnam

WCD talks to Mr Nguyen Huy Minh, co-founder and general director of Sunshine Holdings, a consulting and impact investing firm from Hanoi, Vietnam to find out about what they are doing to shape the world. World Company Day (WCD): What

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Insights from Ms Sharon Kam, Consulus Head of Creative Strategies at Consulus: How to achieve innovation and growth through the objectives of WCD.

Sharon Kam, the head of creative strategies at Consulus, was invited to give a talk to a group of Taiwanese women entrepreneurs in Taipei, Taiwan. The event was organised by the the Sun Yat-Sen Management Education Foundation and held at

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